
Understanding Your Home Security

Alarm Systems Under The Burglary Radar Because Being ‘troy’ is Going Too Far

During the Trojan War, the Greeks failed to force their way through the mighty gates of Troy; so they built the horse as part of their unorthodox plan. When the horse was brought inside the city, Greek soldiers came out of the horse and opened the city gates, letting in more of their allies in the once “impregnable” city. It would’ve been different had the Trojans invented security alarms.A silent break-in is one of the worst kinds of burglary you never want to happen to your home. When you’re asleep or away at work, your home becomes vulnerable to thieves wanting a piece of your property for their own. The Federal Bureau of Investigation says most of burglary crimes happen in broad daylight – when most houses are totally empty. You have to have some sort of “eyes and ears” to leave behind while you’re away.American survivalist Joel Skousen said the best way to be secure is to be a less likely target. In an interview, he said that changing the look of a house to a fortress just increases the likelihood of a break-in. In fact, the fact that Troy boasts its tall walls succeeds in inviting Greek armies to attack it.However, even if you reduce your home’s signature on the burglar radar, you’re still at risk to crime. In fact, burglars are just as likely to come to an unguarded house as in a guarded one, so either of the two bears a single fruit. To make your home secure, you have to make them think that it’s simple – but it’s really not.

Alarm systems Long Island residents install are small enough to be totally stealthy to the eyes of a careless burglar. Security cameras are disguised as innocent domes shaped like ceiling lights and alarms are small enough to be hidden from view. By the time the burglars realize the error of breaking into your home, you would’ve called the police. You can lower the chances of being a target, but never let your guard down.

In the past, like in the case of Troy, getting big may have been the only way to deter threats. Yet today, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore, as small Alarm systems Long Island residents install can provide as much security.Read the article on home security basics at and discover how being a fortress in the neighborhood increases your risk of getting noticed and being robbed. Inquire with alarm companies Long Island has about security systems you can use to fortify your home.

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